
17th November 1981 Michael Crawford (Mike), born 1st of June 1945, falls through a cerritulus rift taking him to a strange alternate world, one of the first documented cases of cerritulus rifts occurring naturally. He spent about 4 hours trapped, during this time he encountered many of the natural wildlife of the world he had slipped into. The landscape itself is a large and expansive mountain range of which the entirety of the land is varied shades of purple, and the sun a gleaming yellow. There were many creatures, most are covered in the book 'Creatures of Jon World'. The most important of these was the Giant Jon known scientifically as Monstrum Gigantis. Another notable one is what came to be known as Grabbin' Gelvin, whose scientific name is Manus Bestia. The giant Jons were scattered across the mountains and was the first thing he saw. They were exceptionally large, about 50-60ft tall, and all had the same red skin, apart from some rare exceptions that were orange with lighter orange stripes. These creatures were gentle giants, preferring only to eat the foliage. They got the name from Mike because he heard them make sounds that were remarkably similar to the way the name John is pronounced. After some time wandering, and encountering the various lifeforms, Mike luckily found where he had come from, letting him return home. Moments later the rift closed behind him. He returns to his work at Phun4KidsToys International as usual.

20th November 1981 After his experience, Mike could not stop thinking about what he had seen. In Phun4KidsToys International he worked as a product designer, creating toys for children, however he did not have much success in this and often was brushed off for his "outlandish" concepts. He spent several days sketching, drawing, designing and finally prototyping toys based off the creatures he saw. These were the first ever Jon figurines.

2nd December 1981 On this day, after proposing the idea to several coworkers and them saying comments like “it's an improvement”, he finally pitches the idea of Jon in a meeting. This did not go well. The more powerful members of the meeting, namely the boss of Mike, disapproved of the idea, saying it was “yet another disgrace in the name of this company.” and Mike was later fired from Phun4KidsToys International due to “being unable to do what he was hired for sufficiently”.

5th January 1982 After some time working a small job in a bakery called “Bingleton’s Donuts” Mike no longer had the income to sustain his living space, so began to sell off his belongings. In this sale were the original copies of Jon, Kevin and Clyde, Kevin and Clyde being original designs by Mike himself. A man named Willis Blake, born 6th of July 1949, came across him, claiming to be an “Investor” who had recently bought an ice cream truck. The clay models intrigued him, and viewed it as a good business idea, where he would bundle his ice creams with a toy made by Mike. He proposed it to Mike, and with nothing left to lose, Mike agreed. Their business had begun, Mike the producer and Willis the salesman. It was an instant success with kids all around town coming just for the fact they had the toys in the ice cream truck.

13th March 1982 Mike and Willis have continued success over several months to the point that in March of 1982 they begin to sell Jon figurines in small shops in the town, though still handmade solely by Mike.

20th April 1982 Mike and Willis found Jon Corporation, usually shortened to Jon Corp. They open a small corner shop in the small-town of Southhall that Jon was born in and for the first time have employees working for them, both in the shop and creating Jon figurines. Now seeing the growth of the company, Mike hopes to someday revisit Jon World somehow, and puts research into plans for the future of Jon Corp.

10th May 1982 Their first plastic moulding machine is bought and begins production using injection moulding machinery takes for its products, and Jon toys slowly begin to spread out through the country.

16th June 1982 Production capacity is increased with improved machinery in a higher quantity.

21st July 1982 Shipments overseas began in continental Europe.

23rd July 1982 Jon is now available worldwide! In addition to this, the company runs the first of many large-scale advertising campaigns, this one being mostly large street art of Jon around London.

19th August 1982 Willis and Mike go on to BDI News (Broadcast Delivery Institution) for an interview where they reveal future projects for the young company. Most importantly expanding out of making only figurines and into other toy industries such as plushies and building blocks.

3rd October 1982 The first ever limited edition run of figurines is released being the Frankenjon figure based off of Frankenstein's Monster for Halloween. Only 10,000 were ever made. Additionally, Jon Corp signs a deal with Entertainment Ink to create a cartoon show based on the titular character.

12th December 1982 Jon Corp hits a new high in terms of income thanks to Christmas holidays and children asking for Jon toys for Christmas.

5th January 1983 Jon Corp begins construction of the first major Jon Store in London Leicester Square. The store would include two floors each filled to the brim with the latest Jon products accompanied by a large amount of Jon related theming such as statues of the characters and wall art.

18th February 1983 The Jon Store of London is officially opened and the first episode of the “Amazing Jon Show” airs on television.

20th April 1983 Jon Corp celebrates its first birthday as a corporation.

13th June 1983 The size of Jon Corp is now directly behind the company G.E.E.P. This company specializes in genetically modified products namely the Meatlings, a line of “toys” or “pets” which are essentially clumps of meat given special properties that allow them to be alive and sentient, with working organisms inside their “body”. When Jon Corp first meets G.E.E.P is where their infamous rivalry began.

18th November 1983 Jon copies and bootlegs begin to rise in popularity.

5th February 1984 To cope with the rapid expansion of the company, Jon Corp builds its HQ in London which will continue to grow in size over the next coming years.

15th November 1984 Michael Crawford gets married.

16th February 1985 Jon Corp now has full control over their shipping services after creating JON CORP SHIPPING COMPANY (J.C.S.C) which means they can speed up shipping time by a large margin. Another upside is of course, they save much more money, not having to pay other shipping companies.

18th November 1985 One of the J.C.S.C ships sinks due to neglect by Jon Corp leaving only one survivor named James Daniels, Born 13th August 1965, who owned the ship and who will be a key character in the near future. This event does cause a small dip in sales but not enough to do major damage.

14th January 1986 Michael’s workflow is significantly slower than before, he claimed it was due to lack of sleep, but it is believed that it was actually because of toxicity in the relationship between him and his then wife.

27th January 1986 Internal plans were made for a large-scale toy factory nearby the small town of Tarkensford, USA. This would be constructed by the Brickston’s Bricks Company.

3rd February 1986 Permission is given to begin construction of the factory and is set to begin construction in 2 weeks.

17th February 1986 Construction begins to the dismay of the locals.

24th March 1986 Construction is completed, and toy production begins.

31st March 1986 Thanks to the new factory, the company is getting much more sales, as there is more for them to sell.

15th May 1986 The lakes around Tarkensford begin to darken and pollute, due to excess waste from the factory.

still in progress